Monday, May 11, 2009

We're still here!

It sure has been a while since I last posted. Things are still going fast paced as ever, but things are hopefully fixing to slow down a bit. Brie's last day of preschool is this Thursday, she only has 4 more t-ball games, & her end of the year dance recital is this weekend.

Hopefully after that things will be pretty plain & boring!

She is doing better at t-ball. She actually likes it... today she even caught the ball & got someone out! WOOHOO!! I was so proud of her.

Brodie is just talking up a storm. He copies everything Brie says & I DO MEAN EVERYTHING!! The other day we were out & she said, "Mom! I have to go to the bathroom!" then Brodie (very loudly) said, "Mom! I have to peepee bad!".... what's crazy is he isn't even potty trained so he doesn't even use the bathroom. What a crazy boy!

I have taken lots of pictures but haven't had time to download them so hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have some time this week.

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