Sunday, February 13, 2011


So when the blizzard or whatever that horrible snow storm was came through and we were snowed in for 4 days. The kids weren't able to go outside but once for a VERY short time because they were already coughing.
We celebrated Josh's Birthday, but weren't able to go anywhere, but I think he had a good day.

I waited till the last minute to make Josh's cake, and we were in a hurry to decorate it before he got home, so we put the icing on hot and it started melting so I took a quick picture so he could see what it looked like before it turned to goo! I didn't take a picture of it, but the kids decorated it with sprinkles too.

Brie not real sure about the headband. She is not real good at matching.

My loves, all bundled up. We put "hanks" as B-Man calls them over their faces to help keep the cold out.

1 comment:

HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

Love the picture of them all bundled up outsisde. They look like train robbers, lol!