Please note that this post was written before spring break, so it's a little older. It took so long to post because I procrastinated in taking a good picture of Brie.
This post is about my sweet & funny little girl, Brie. Now you must know Brie is a freak about paper, she loves handouts, & if we go to a hotel and she sees pamphlets she MUST have a couple. She is like this with church bulletins too, it never fails if I throw one away that three or four more show up. So no you know about Brie's obsession which drives me crazy, there is paper all over the house.
So now on to the point, I have to ask, do you remember when you were in grade school & we learned about hygiene? Remember the dental hygiene experience in particular? They would tell us all about the bad stuff & give us a tooth brush & toothpaste & maybe something to color over what we learned.
Brie's class had this lesson last week. She came running to the car with a booklet about dental care & she had some toothpaste. She then proceeded to tell me all about plaque. The girl acted as though she had never heard this whole production about plaque & good dental cleaning, because she has been to the dentist for some fillings already. This weekend while we were at my mom's house, she ran around the house carrying this booklet & if anybody so much as got near the thing she would freak out. She said to my mom at some point on Saturday,"Hunny, I'm hungry for something sweet, but not too sweet because I don't want plaque."
Anyways apparently the dental hygiene lesson made an impact not just on her because a little girl she is good friends with sat with us on Sunday & we usually have candy of some kind with us because Josh is addicted to it. So he asked the little girl if she wanted any & she covered her mouth & said, "hhhmmm I can't I don't want plaque".
So I leave you with a picture of my "toothless wonder" as we call her!