Monday, June 29, 2009

Summertime in June

Here is a photo exhibit of what's been going on lately.
The four of us & Hunny went to Wichita for our annual summer garage sale extravaganza. Mom gave Brie $5 bucks & I gave her $5 bucks to get whatever she wanted. Needless to say she had the best time! She loves dress up stuff & found a cute little leotard thingy & the scarf in the above picture.
A couple of Sundays ago the kids were hot & wanted to play in the water, so I made a quick trip to DG & bought them a cheap pool & swim goggles & they had an awesome time!

Brie dancing... as usual!

Brodie splashing!

This is Brie's 3rd year to take swimming lessons. She loved it!

I thought Brodie might like to take swimming lessons since he loves to take baths & had such a good time in the little pool. MAN, was I wrong. He hated it. In this picture, he looks like he is ok, but that was the ONE & only time he wasn't SCREAMING & I mean SCREAMING his head off!

The princess (who HAD to be in all pink) & the boys!

Can you see how much he adores his daddy?!?

Josh on Father's Day. I made him an omelet & we gave him his presents. Here he is sniffing his new cologne & making an incredibly CRAZY face.

Much better!

For Father's Day we went to Meme & Poppy's, cooked out & swam in their tank. Brie had a lot of fun!

Brie & Shoni

Are you blinded? That severely white person is Josh. He is being a dare devil & was doing jumps off the dock.

Brie... fixing to surf!

Brodie stayed in the baby pool. He loved it, he put rocks in there (thus the dirt) & splashed, & of course he had to have a life jacket like everyone else.

He did finally get into the tank though. He had an alright time in there too!


HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

Looks like y'all are having a memorable and fun summer! I love the picture of the kids in their goggles in the pool! Look out, Michael Phelps here comes the Hagle kids. Well maybe not so much since Brodie didn't even enjoy his swimming lessons. Maybe when he gets a little older!

The Wiemers said...

Thanks for the sweet comment. Looks like your little girl loves to play dress up. The is a big difference between boys and girls. I am sure you know that. I can tell the difference between Cooper and my niece.