Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ok, well since I'm new to this the first one will probably stink!! Today was one heck of a day. We went to a family renunion....(HOORAY!) in Seymour. I forgot that family reunions often turn into a scene right from a soap opera! There was squabbling & yelling & what not. It turned out all right. The only reason we go is for my grandma.
My brother & Ryan are in, which means we get to spend some time with the boys! (who happen to just be the other half of my world!!) I love being "Aunt DiDi".
This week Josh had been gone on a Mission Trip, he FINALLY got back today. Only to be greeted by a hateful parent who preceeded to gripe & yell at him about how some things were handled. GOD BE WITH YOU!! Have you ever had that moment where someone attacks someone you love..your kids, your husband, parents, or siblings? I don't know about you but when that happens oh my granny, the "mama bear" in me just wants to rise up (& usually does) only to make matters worse. I'm just so glad I wan't there this morning when that person was yelling at my husband b/c I know with all my heart I wouldn't have handled it well!
The kids & I have stayed a couple nights with my parents. We greatly appreciate them letting us crash.. THANKS MOM!
Well, I guess that's it for now. More for later!

1 comment:

HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

Nothing quite as fun as family reunions, huh? And just honor God with your speech, thoughts & actions--God bless this mom's heart! I am so proud of Josh and his humble attitude!!