Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ooopps! Me & my mouth!

Well it just so happened that Brodie has put his momma to shame! A couple of posts ago I wrote that he like to "pee pee" & we make a big production of taking off all his clothes & his diaper & he does nothing not even a little dribble.

Well today he had to use the potty as usual & low & behold he actually PEED in the potty chair! I was so excited AND he even did it again about 10 minutes later! WOOHOO! GO BRODIE!

Who thought a kid peeing in the potty could be so exciting?!? (mom's I guess)
Anyways here are a few pictures of what's been going on lately!

they are actually getting along!

parent's observation day

Bire catching the t-ball!! WOOHOO! GO BRIE!

my dad took us out to eat for Mother's Day; These 3 matched so they HAD to have their picture taken

can you tell they were getting heavy?

1 comment:

HuNnY aNd PoPpA LeWiS said...

Atta boy Brodie!!! Hu--eeeey is so proud of you. Beautiful ballerina, Hunny is proud of you too! Great post...