Wednesday, November 12, 2008

His turn!

Brodie is officially 19 months old today, since I haven't blogged much on him, it's his turn now!
He doesn't say "da" for everything anymore, instead he says "ma" & calls everyone "mama"
He loves to give kisses (his kissing noise is almost as cute as the kisses)
he can't sleep anywhere except his bed (we did good there)
He loves his cowboy boots, he says "boos"
he absolutely loves my dad (aka Poppa)
he looks like my dad (and acts like him)
he says "Brie Brie"
he love love loves his sister
he calls Hunny "mama" when he wants her attention
he loves to ask "what's that", but it's more like "wha da?"
if your in his way he will tell you "boo, boo" for move
he fights with his sister a lot
he's polite and says some form of thank you
his is seriously bow-legged
he loves to dance to music
when you ask him where parts of his body are like his head he leans forward to show you his
head, or like his ear, he turns his head so you can see his ear, it's pretty cute
he's good with babies especially Hunter
he likes to wrestle
he's my favorite little cowboy & I love him lots!!

Sitting in Brie's baby doll stroller

Don't you think he looks like him?

Notice..he's in the center of the circle

They really do love each other

Once the boys dress up like cowboys, Brie has to wear her boots & hat too. November 9, 2008.

My bow-legged little hunter, November 12, 2008

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